How Often You Should Replace Your Pool Filter?
Pool-filter cartridges are used to keep home swimming pools and spas clean, and they can be used for pools with a capacity of 30,000 gallons or less volume of water. The filter cartridge is generally made of polyester cloth or corrugated paper that acts as filter. When the filter is dirty and clogged, the water in the entire pool can become dirty. Check out these guidelines below to know how often you should replace your pool filter to keep your water safe and clean.
General Filter Life
Pool-filter cartridges can run for about 2,000 hours in a filter pump. Usually, filter cartridges have to be replaced once every 1-2 years. The filter, however, will not last as long if you enter the pool with suntan lotion, deodorants, hair-care products, and other chemicals.
To know when to replace it, you should observe the filter’s condition. If the cloth looks loose, or if the cartridge looks cracked, it’s time to replace it with a new one.
Usage and Size
Replacing the pool-filter cartridge depends on the size of your pool and how often it’s used. It also depends on the quality of water used. When there are a lot of people using the pool often, these filters get clogged and dirty from body oils, dirt, and other waste. Rinsing your filter after every change of water in your pool can help prevent this build-up.
Step 1 - Prep
In order to prep for cleaning, grab a few household items. You’ll need a hose, spray nozzle, cleaner, a large bucket, and replacement cartridge, if needed. Don’t forget your owner’s manual, too!
Start by turning off your pump, system, and your air relief valve. Turn the air relief valve off slowly to release any trapped air. Next, release the mechanisms holding everything together, remove the top filter, and set the cartridge aside. This is one of the times you may want to refer to your owner’s manual. There might be a certain way to release the filter to ensure you don’t cause any damage.
Step 2 – Remove Filter and Rinse
Next, remove the filter from the cartridge and rinse it off with a brush and hose, spraying it with regular water. There are also specialty cleaner designed spherically for cleaning pool / spa filters. If you find that it’s not getting clean enough, you can always let it soak overnight in your cleaning mixture. Make sure that it is rinsed thoroughly, replace, and then secure it. You should repeat this process at least once per week.
Step 3 – Replace Filter if Needed
Next, inspect the filter. You should change it when the life of the filter cartridge has reached its maximum limit, whenever there is a pressure of 8 psi and above in the filter canister, and when there’s a tear or collapse of the center core of the cartridge.
In addition, if you notice that your water flow is reduced, it means that the cartridge is clogged and should be replaced.
Step 4 – Elongate Your Filter's Life
To elongate your filter’s life, use water clarifiers, like diatomaceous earth, to minimize the risk of clogging. In addition, you should allow hot tubs to run at least 1 hour every day so that there’s adequate water flow. Lastly, you can add an oil-absorbing sponge to your pool so that the filter is spared from body oils people bring into the pool.
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